My 3 Favorite Places
I have been thinking a lot lately about where I enjoy being, not sure why that has been on my mind but it has. I thought about writing a...

Russians, Blindness and Plastic Grapes
I was the fifth child, a late in life baby for my parents, an 'oops' so to speak. There were eight years between the fourth child and...

Crumbs Do Not Make a Meal
So, as any of you that read my blog know, I am crazy about my dog. True, I write about him and show his picture to everyone and look...

Ned and the Thingamabobby
So, today I have a fable to share with you, here it goes. Once upon a time there was a cute little red haired boy named Ned. Ned was a...

How YouTube Ruined My Dog's Life
So I guess it's been a few months since I have written anything...I'll explain later First, I want to tell you about my dog. If you...

3 Lessons from Vegas
This winter was unusually cold and miserable, so spring break couldn't come soon enough. It seemed that we had a timeshare that was...

Marco? Polo...
Our family consists of my husband, our two boys, one daughter, two dogs and myself. We all have 'our things' that we do to keep us busy...